I came across an article that made me happy this morning:
DC Announces 7 Minx Graphic Novels for 2008

For those of you not familiar with the Minx line, it is DC Comics excellent effort to reach out to a traditionally underserved part of the comic reading demographic: teenage girls. But it is not doing so by talking down to them or trying to make a "girly" product. Instead it is featuring strong girl characters facing challenges in a variety of realistic situations and environments. These are well done with great art and rock solid writing, featuring both young adult authors and comic industry pros. I highly recommend checking one out. My favorites so far are Plain Janes by Cecil Castellucci and Re-Gifters by Mike Carey.
(They are on order, but if you want to borrow my ARCs just drop me an email :)
DC Announces 7 Minx Graphic Novels for 2008
For those of you not familiar with the Minx line, it is DC Comics excellent effort to reach out to a traditionally underserved part of the comic reading demographic: teenage girls. But it is not doing so by talking down to them or trying to make a "girly" product. Instead it is featuring strong girl characters facing challenges in a variety of realistic situations and environments. These are well done with great art and rock solid writing, featuring both young adult authors and comic industry pros. I highly recommend checking one out. My favorites so far are Plain Janes by Cecil Castellucci and Re-Gifters by Mike Carey.
(They are on order, but if you want to borrow my ARCs just drop me an email :)
I just read "The Plain Janes" today and I really enjoyed it. It was thoughtful, but it also hooked me pretty early on. Also, what is Damon's problem? Off to make a booktag for it now and hopefully someone will check it out. Now I have to put a hold on "Re-Gifters."
Re-Gifters is also GREAT!
These books are fantastic - and not just for girls! My own 13 year old son has read everything available so far except Kimmie66, and he particularly liked "Re-Gifters." I'm glad to hear there will be new titles next year!
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