Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Neilsen Company reports on teens and media

re-posted from the Collection Developments blog:

Neilsen Company reports on teens and media

Posted: 26 Jun 2009 09:00 AM PDT

The Nielsen Company published an in-depth report on how teenagers use media — the myths and realities of teen media trends. They look at how teens use: TV, online and mobile video, Internet, mobile phones, games, movies, music and advertising.

It’s easy to get caught up in the hype around teenagers. The notion that teens are too busy texting and Twittering to be engaged with traditional media is exciting, but false.

This report will make you reconsider your preconceived notions about what teens are doing.

via PW Children’s Bookshelf, June 25, 2009

posting by Lorraine

easy September program idea: Talk Like a Pirate!

Looking for a easy, silly fun program idea for that busy back-to-school month between Teen Summer Reading and Teen Read Month? Talk Like a Pirate Day is September 19th!

Find out how other people celebrated last year, or just get some pirate advice. Perhaps you could have a program on tying knots, show Pirates of the Caribbean, or find a local history expert to talk about our own pirate history. Or maybe get some of the Seafair crew? Looks like The Seattle Knights has a pirate division now, too!

Monday, June 29, 2009

sad study on teens & death

I know teens love love love books about death and dying, but I had no idea how many believe they will die young!

Many Teens Expect To Die Young

Writing in the journal Pediatrics, Dr. Iris Borowsky of the University of Minnesota Medical School, and colleagues studied data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, which involves more than 20,000 teens from grades 7 through 12.

They found that almost 15 percent of adolescents believed they had a 50/50 chance at best of living to see their 35th birthday.

Wow! The article goes on to talk about this is why so many teens engage in risky behavior...they are literally hopeless. So sad.

How do you think books about death and dying help teens with these worries/fears/hopelessness? What are some of your favorites?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

new trend in hip hop

Being a middle aged librarian, I find it sometimes challenging to stay up on teen music trends, so I'm always delighted when someone exposes me to some fresh beats before they've already grown old.

Anne directed me to this great article (just posted last week) about a new trend in hip hop: jerk culture.

Jerky boys and girls: New Boyz, Rej3ctz and more lead a new youth movement

Jerk dancing has apparently been around for a while, but dance trends without musical backup tend to die quickly. This appears to be fresh and fun, embraced by teens in L.A., and has its own new look...think 80s tight jeans and patterned pants, with fitted baseball caps.

I'm especially smitten with the fact that these kids are confident enough to sport Sesame Street hats! I know my brother would love the Elmo one. Me, I'm leaning towards Cookie Monster .

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

new approach to bullying prevention

The New York Times has an interesting article this week on new approaches to treating bullying - as a pediatric health problem.

At Last, Facing Down Bullies (and Their Enablers)
By Perri Klass, M.D.

In recent years, pediatricians and researchers in this country have been giving bullies and their victims the attention they have long deserved — and have long received in Europe. We’ve gotten past the “kids will be kids” notion that bullying is a normal part of childhood or the prelude to a successful life strategy. Research has described long-term risks — not just to victims, who may be more likely than their peers to experience depression and suicidal thoughts, but to the bullies themselves, who are less likely to finish school or hold down a job.

The article goes on to suggest that pediatricians be in contact with school principals when the become aware of problems, that a zero tolerance policy be in place in schools, and that youths are educated that "the bully is someone who has a problem managing his or her behavior, and the victim is someone they can protect." I love this theory of "activating the bystanders" as they call it, but which is in a way nothing more than the sort of extensive community partnering our libraries are striving to achieve...increasing communication, awareness and participation of teens and those who work with them for the good of all.

What can we as libraries do to prevent bullying? The most important thing is to have a zero tolerance policy ourselves. I try to be consistent about tolerating no roughhousing or name calling - no matter how jokey or friendly it might seem, we cannot gauge of the true hurtfulness. By not putting up with any of it, we create an atmosphere of respect and safety that makes it easier to spot truly problematic behavior. When disturbing patterns then can be seen, talk to school contacts to get information and help them see a bigger picture of their charges. Libraries are so extremely careful about always protecting identity of our patrons, I was surprised to discover school police officers and counselors are often quite willing to discuss behavior issues of specific students for the purpose of helping them. The more consistently issues can be address within the community, the better it is for teens, and for all of us.

Friday, June 5, 2009

"It's All about the Teen"

It's a great article in PW, covering a panel that happened at BEA. It's absolutely worth a read.

Here's an excerpt to whet your appetite:

"Debraski mentioned that sometimes programs are a flop, but you’ve got to keep on trying. Her experience in programming has given her the knowledge that “no one program fits all.” She emphasized the fact that some programs, like crafting and gaming, may seem like they aren’t related to libraries in a direct way, but in actuality, they are. “It’s all about making a connection with the teens. They’ve got to know that the library is a fun place to be,” she said."

Thursday, June 4, 2009

What do librarians wish teachers knew about the library?

Abby (the) Librarian has a great blog post to teachers, letting them know what librarians wish teachers knew about public libraries:

  • We would love to know about your assignments ahead of time.
  • We appreciate when you make sure there are resources available before giving your students an assignment.
  • Other teachers in your school (and in other schools) might be doing the same units that you are.
  • There are lots of different book-leveling systems.
  • We are happy to have your class visit, and your visit will be better if we know you are coming (and when and for what purpose).
  • We need your help to promote our programs over the summer and during the school year.
  • We'd love a copy of your summer reading list.
  • The public library may have more freedom to buy materials that aren't approved by the school board.
  • Many libraries offer teacher cards or school loan programs.
Here is the full article, which expands on all these ideas. Good talking points for sharing what we do when you reconnect with teachers in the fall!

What would you add?