Friday, April 9, 2010

Edible Book Festival - Should We?

Jackie sent on this delightful article about a program that the Calvin College Libraries did:

Calvin College celebrates its first book-eating contest

Calvin librarian Lois Dye, a self-proclaimed "foodie," founded Books in the Baking this year after learning about the International Edible Book Festival, a similar contest that has been celebrated worldwide on April Fool's Day -- or as they like to call it, Edible Book Day -- since 2000.

Seems to me this could be a delightful inter-generational program. Think we should try for it next year?


Anonymous said...

They just had one in Seattle on Saturday.

Dawn said...

Wow...they charge people without entries $10 to attend! I wonder if that means they get a piece of cake?

Alhough now that I look at their photos, looks like there are a whole bunch of different interpretations of edible...

Kathleen said...

I'm loving this idea! We did something similar back in my Cub Scout den mother days and had way lots of fun.